
Тест Which character from the television show Greek are you?

Ауу..не мога да не ви се похваля просто..

Which character from the television show Greek are you?
Your Result: Cappie

Rock on! You are a Cappie! Laid-back, a great sense of humor, never afraid to take a few risks, it's no wonder you are consistently the life of the party. And yet there's definitely more to you than the wild and crazy guy exterior. Come on admit it, there's a soft spot in that keg heart of yours!

Rebecca Logan
Ashleigh Howard
Casey Cartwright
Rusty Cartwright
Evan Chambers
Dale Kettlewell
Which character from the television show Greek are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Страшно горда съм от резултатите..!
Капи е моя герой,моят модел за пример!
Ии се радвам, че съм като него, защото той е адския пич!
Забавен (най-вече), чаровен и какво ли още не..
Абе, Капи си е ..Капи!

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